Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
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Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 72: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy HUR1? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?
Representation ID: 22585
Received: 19/02/2017
Respondent: Hurst Green Parish Council
Too many proposed dwellings for the access off of Foundry Close without major changes to the A21. No further vehicle access should be allowed off of footpath 31 for reasons of safety. Unallocated parking for at least 12 vehicles should be allowed for to provide alternative parking for residents who currently park in Foundry Close rather then the A21. Need to reduce housing density and allow more green recreational space
Too many proposed dwellings for the access off of Foundry Close without major changes to the A21. No further vehicle access should be allowed off of footpath 31 for reasons of safety. Unallocated parking for at least 12 vehicles should be allowed for to provide alternative parking for residents who currently park in Foundry Close rather then the A21. Need to reduce housing density and allow more green recreational space
Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 73: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy HUR2? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?
Representation ID: 22586
Received: 19/02/2017
Respondent: Hurst Green Parish Council
Generally the Council is happy with this although sad to lose commercial site with associated employment and business opportunities. Ideally would like to see at least one business unit retained here.
Generally the Council is happy with this although sad to lose commercial site with associated employment and business opportunities. Ideally would like to see at least one business unit retained here.
Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 74: Do you agree with the proposed development boundary? If not, how would you like to see it amended?
Representation ID: 22587
Received: 19/02/2017
Respondent: Hurst Green Parish Council
Would suggest that the area to the north of HG17 (CaravanTech) on the opposite side of the A21 currently scrub and modern woodland should be looked at re development boundary. Small site but screened. Also HG6 and HG2 should be considered for inclusion. Both areas screened and more secluded sites within the AONB
Would suggest that the area to the north of HG17 (CaravanTech) on the opposite side of the A21 currently scrub and modern woodland should be looked at re development boundary. Small site but screened. Also HG6 and HG2 should be considered for inclusion. Both areas screened and more secluded sites within the AONB
Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 71: Do you agree with the preferred sites for development at Hurst Green? If not, which sites should be preferred?
Representation ID: 22589
Received: 19/02/2017
Respondent: Hurst Green Parish Council
Both sites are suitable for some development but HG18 is outlined for much more density of housing than is suitable for this access and is separated from the main centre of the village by the A21 with its ever increasing traffic burden.
HG2 could be used to link up Coronation Gardens and Ridgeway and perhaps alleviate some of the vehicle access issues in the former and allow for a small development although care would be needed due to sensitive nature of the ancient woodland at the Coronation Garden end.
HG6 could be looked into as a possible site
Both sites are suitable for some development but HG18 is outlined for much more density of housing than is suitable for this access and is separated from the main centre of the village by the A21 with its ever increasing traffic burden.
HG2 could be used to link up Coronation Gardens and Ridgeway and perhaps alleviate some of the vehicle access issues in the former and allow for a small development although care would be needed due to sensitive nature of the ancient woodland at the Coronation Garden end.
HG6 could be looked into as a possible site