Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
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Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 8.1
Representation ID: 21532
Received: 26/09/2013
Respondent: Bricycles, Brighton and Hove Cycling Campaign
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
We object to this modification for the following reasons:
1. It conflicts with RDC policy SRM1 which seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change by promoting sustainable transport;
2. It conflicts with RDC policy TR2 which commits the council to making 'Improvements in the availability, quality and efficiency of sustainable transport';
3. It conflicts with RDC's responsibilities under the Climate Change Act 2008 to take action to reduce carbon emissions.
The recent study by Mott McDonald on the proposed station was inadequate.
Modification 8.1: Delete part (v)(b) of Policy BX1: 'remove provision for a new railway station adjacent to Ravenside Retail Park'.
We object to this modification for the following reasons:
1. It conflicts with RDC policy SRM1 which seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change by promoting sustainable transport;
2. It conflicts with RDC policy TR2 which commits the council to making 'Improvements in the availability, quality and efficiency of sustainable transport';
3. It conflicts with RDC's responsibilities under the Climate Change Act 2008 to take action to reduce carbon emissions.
Proposed change to the plan:
Rother District Council should reinstate the policy and continue to pursue the objective of building a new station next to Ravenside Retail Park.
Further reasons for objection:
A station at Glyne Gap is an aspiration specified in the East Sussex County Council Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) - 4.18 and 4.52.
A new station would also strongly reinforce and be highly compatible with all the 'Transport Specific Objectives' and 'High Level LTP Objectives' described in Table 1 of 2.6 of LTP3.
The 'Transport Specific Objective' with the highest score in the table - 'Access to jobs, services and leisure' - would be strongly reinforced by a new station: it would be available to all, including 'persuadable' car drivers - those willing to consider a mode shift to a high quality available alternative. The station would therefore have a high 'social equity' component.
The recent study by Mott McDonald on the proposed station was inadequate. Amongst many points, it failed to take into account increased passenger numbers from enhanced and complementary bus and cycle links. Glyne Gap station would offer sustainable travel opportunities to a far wider range of people than the ruinous Bexhill to Hastings Link Road link road, and at a small fraction of the cost.
We support the stance taken by the Campaign for Better Transport.