Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
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Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 7.12
Representation ID: 21451
Received: 27/09/2013
Respondent: Shepway District Council
Broad Support for proposed modifications subject to minimising any negative impact on Shepway.
Shepway District Council (SDC) officers have considered the nature of the changes proposed by Rother District Council (RDC) for the Rother District Council Local Plan Core Strategy under the Schedule of Main Modifications, August 2013. I would firstly like to inform you that further to the letter from Hastings & Rother regarding housing needs (dated 19th July 2013) and Shepway's e-mail reply I can confirm Shepway District Council's Core Strategy Local Plan was found 'sound' in June 2013 by Planning Inspector Michael Hetherington, and accordingly adopted as part of Shepway's development plan on 18th September 2013.
Notwithstanding the environmental issues identified in the Shepway Core Strategy examination and covered in the aforementioned email, SDC officers recognise the increase in housing numbers proposed under the changes (specifically MOD7.12) and support, in full, appropriate measures to get up-to-date development plans in place in the sub-region; and on the basis that RDC ensures that any potential impacts upon Shepway are minimised in terms of pressure on the physical and natural environment.
SDC will seek to collaborate with RDC on future plans, most notably specifically regarding proposals that are relevant to Romney Marsh, and in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate under The Localism Act 2011. The council awaits with interest further details from RDC as to how their plans will evolve notably in the environs of Rye and how RDC will manage any arising implications.