Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
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Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 12.3
Representation ID: 21418
Received: 27/09/2013
Respondent: Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
Provision (and retention) of employment space is essential to the sustainability of rural areas; any potential net losses resulting from changes in permitted development rights need to be addressed. This modification recognises that.
Provision (and retention) of employment space is essential to the sustainability of rural areas; any potential net losses resulting from changes in permitted development rights need to be addressed. This modification recognises that.
Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 16.2
Representation ID: 21429
Received: 27/09/2013
Respondent: Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
The Parish Council considers the retention of existing employment sites to be an important aspect in maintaining sustainability for additional development.
The Parish Council considers the retention of existing employment sites to be an important aspect in maintaining sustainability for additional development.
Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 12.5
Representation ID: 21455
Received: 27/09/2013
Respondent: Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Despite high development over 30 years, close partnership working with RDC towards agreed Village Study (under localism principles) shows that, as a Rural Service Centre, Robertsbridge has capacity for further development over plan lifetime as per original allocation. However 155 is too high; would require additional greenfield allocation, detrimental to: essential central green corridor landscape features within AONB; village character; effectiveness of 1-in-100 year Flood Alleviation Scheme; existing parking, traffic and drainage problems. Evidenced requirement for housing for elderly and low cost starter homes. Existing development allocations support up to 75 new, total 130, removing need for new allocations.
Despite high levels of development over the last 30 years, recent close partnership working with RDC towards an agreed Village Study (under localism principles) shows us that, as a Rural Service Centre, Robertsbridge has capacity for further development over the plan lifetime as per the original allocation. Whilst acknowledging the additional need in response to NPPF, we consider the increase to 155 to be too great, as it can only be accommodated by use of additional Greenfield areas, which would threaten the essential central green corridors that are a conspicuous visual feature of the landscape and character of the village within the AONB; would threaten the effectiveness of our current Flood Alleviation Scheme (1 in 100 year event); put significant increased strain on current parking, traffic and drainage problems, and so have a detrimental effect on quality of life. A Housing Needs Survey in 2011 confirmed need for housing for the elderly (no current provision!) and low cost, starter homes - both Housing Association and open market. Existing development allocations can support increased numbers (up to 75 new, total 130), removing the need for new allocations and associated impact.
Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy
MOD 16.1
Representation ID: 21457
Received: 27/09/2013
Respondent: Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
The Parish Council strongly supports the retention and provision of employment sites, to support sustainability of the village and further growth.
The Parish Council strongly supports the retention and provision of employment sites, to support sustainability of the village and further growth.