Proposed Submission Core Strategy
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Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Representation ID: 20758
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Trinity College agrees with the Core Strategy's assertion at paragraph 8.46 that there is capacity for sustainable urban extensions to help meet the overall strategy objectives. However, it does not agree with the suggestion in paragraph 8.47 that large scale growth would not be consistent with the objective of retaining its essential character, nor with the commercial property market. It does, however, accept that large scale growth without provision of key infrastructure may not be consistent with the objectives. For clarity, it is suggested that the paragraph is amended to ensure consistency of approach.
Trinity College agrees with the Core Strategy's assertion at paragraph 8.46 that there is capacity for sustainable urban extensions to help meet the overall strategy objectives. However, it does not agree with the suggestion in paragraph 8.47 that large scale growth would not be consistent with the objective of retaining its essential character, nor with the commercial property market. It does, however, accept that large scale growth without provision of key infrastructure may not be consistent with the objectives. For clarity, it is suggested that the paragraph is amended to ensure consistency of approach.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Representation ID: 20765
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Trinity College agrees with the Core Strategy's assertion at paragraph 8.46 that there is capacity for sustainable urban extensions to help meet the overall strategy objectives. However, it does not agree with the suggestion in paragraph 8.47 that large scale growth would not be consistent with the objective of retaining its essential character, nor with the commercial property market. It does, however, accept that large scale growth without provision of key infrastructure may not be consistent with the objectives. For clarity, it is suggested that the paragraph is amended to ensure consistency of approach.
Trinity College agrees with the Core Strategy's assertion at paragraph 8.46 that there is capacity for sustainable urban extensions to help meet the overall strategy objectives. However, it does not agree with the suggestion in paragraph 8.47 that large scale growth would not be consistent with the objective of retaining its essential character, nor with the commercial property market. It does, however, accept that large scale growth without provision of key infrastructure may not be consistent with the objectives. For clarity, it is suggested that the paragraph is amended to ensure consistency of approach.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Representation ID: 20767
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Trinity College supports the Core Strategy's contention that the current development strategy (adopted Local Plan) of focussing growth to the North East of Bexhill remains the most appropriate strategy for the expansion of the town, as it provides vital new business land and homes in an accessible location, supports sustainable development, is the most acceptable in environmental terms and integrates well with green space proposals.
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill and is committed to working with the Council and its partners to ensure the timely release of the land.
Trinity College supports the Core Strategy's contention that the current development strategy (adopted Local Plan) of focussing growth to the North East of Bexhill remains the most appropriate strategy for the expansion of the town, as it provides vital new business land and homes in an accessible location, supports sustainable development, is the most acceptable in environmental terms and integrates well with green space proposals.
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill and is committed to working with the Council and its partners to ensure the timely release of the land.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy OSS1 - Overall Spatial Development Strategy
Representation ID: 20773
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Trinity College supports the Core Strategy's overall Spatial Development Strategy (Policy ESS1), in particular, the approach of focussing new mixed use development at Bexhill.
Trinity College own a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill, which is anticipated to deliver a large proportion of the District's growth over the period 2011-2028 and can confirm that it is committed to releasing the land for development at the appropriate time.
The College looks forward to working with the Council and its partners to ensure the timely release of the land for development.
Trinity College supports the Core Strategy's overall Spatial Development Strategy (Policy ESS1), in particular, the approach of focussing new mixed use development at Bexhill.
Trinity College own a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill, which is anticipated to deliver a large proportion of the District's growth over the period 2011-2028 and can confirm that it is committed to releasing the land for development at the appropriate time.
The College looks forward to working with the Council and its partners to ensure the timely release of the land for development.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy OSS2: Bexhill to Hastings Link Road and development
Representation ID: 20774
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Trinity College accepts that the full release of the already allocated major Greenfield sites at North East Bexhill is contingent upon confirmation of the construction of the link road and welcomes the potential that partial release of the allocation may be acceptable, subject to traffic impacts being considered acceptable. However, Trinity College considers the criterion (iii) (b) of Policy OSS2 could be written more positively to reflect National good practice and emerging policy in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Trinity College accepts that the full release of the already allocated major Greenfield sites at North East Bexhill is contingent upon confirmation of the construction of the link road and welcomes the potential that partial release of the allocation may be acceptable, subject to traffic impacts being considered acceptable. However, Trinity College considers the criterion (iii) (b) of Policy OSS2 could be written more positively to reflect National good practice and merging policy in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy BX1: Overall Strategy for Bexhill
Representation ID: 20776
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Trinity College supports the overall strategy for Bexhill (Policy BX1).
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill, which is anticipated to deliver a large proportion of Bexhill's growth over the period 2011-2028 and can confirm that it is committed to releasing the land for employment, residential and other associated uses at the appropriate time.
Trinity College looks forward to working with the Council and its partners to deliver growth at North East Bexhill.
Trinity College supports the overall strategy for Bexhill (Policy BX1).
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill, which is anticipated to deliver a large proportion of Bexhill's growth over the period 2011-2028 and can confirm that it is committed to releasing the land for employment, residential and other associated uses at the appropriate time.
Trinity College looks forward to working with the Council and its partners to deliver growth at North East Bexhill.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy BX3: Development Strategy
Representation ID: 20777
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Trinity College supports the Bexhill Development Strategy (BX3). In particular, criterion (iii), which acknowledges that the focus of the new growth will be the strategic site to the north east of the town (as already planned and allocated in the Adopted Local Plan).
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill and is committed to working with the Council and its partners to ensure a timely release of the land.
Trinity College supports the Bexhill Development Strategy (BX3). In particular, criterion (iii), which acknowledges that the focus of the new growth will be the strategic site to the north east of the town (as already planned and allocated in the Adopted Local Plan).
Trinity College owns a large part of the land already allocated at North East Bexhill and is committed to working with the Council and its partners to ensure a timely release of the land.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy LHN2: Affordable Housing
Representation ID: 20778
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Trinity College supports the flexible approach to affordable housing provision provided in Policy LHN2. Whilst the 30% affordable housing seems high in these financially challenging times, and based on the findings of the GVA Housing Viability Study, the ability for this requirement to be reduced to reflect changing needs is welcomed.
To further clarify Policy in relation to housing being provided to help support business development, it would be useful to include specific reference to NE Bexhill, which requires housing development to contribute to the provision of infrastructure to support business development on new sites in North East Bexhill.
Trinity College supports the flexible approach to affordable housing provision provided in Policy LHN2. Whilst the 30% affordable housing seems high in these financially challenging times, and based on the findings of the GVA Housing Viability Study, the ability for this requirement to be reduced to reflect changing housing needs, development viability and the desire to deliver other local objectives such as job creation and business development is welcomed.
To further clarify the Policy in relation to housing being provided to help support business development, it would be useful to include specific reference to North East Bexhill, which requires housing development to contribute to the provision of infrastructure to support business development on new sites in North East Bexhill.
Proposed Submission Core Strategy
Policy SRM1: Towards a low carbon future
Representation ID: 20779
Received: 27/09/2011
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Trinity College supports the policy requirement to maximise energy efficiency and renewable energy generation, subject to viability.
Concern in criterion (iv) for developments to North East Bexhill, to include Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and/or wind energy, pre-judges the outcome of the comprehensive energy strategy required by criterion (i) of the Policy to support any planning application for the area.
Clear evidence is required to demonstrate that a CHP system and/or wind energy generation is both technically feasible and financially viable if it is to remain as a Policy requirement. Trinity College has not yet commissioned any such work.
Trinity College supports the policy requirement to maximise energy efficiency and renewable energy generation, subject to viability considerations. However, Trinity College are concerned that the Policy requirement in criterion (iv) for developments to North East Bexhill, to include Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and/or wind energy, pre-judges the outcome of the comprehensive energy strategy required by criterion (i) of the Policy to support any planning application for the area.
There needs to be clear evidence available to demonstrate that a CHP system and/or wind energy generation is both technically feasible and financially viable if it is to remain as a Policy requirement. Trinity College has not yet commissioned any such work.