Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 10 - Preferred Strategy for Bexhill
Representation ID: 20151
Received: 20/01/2009
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Paragraph 6.32
Trinity College objects to the Core Strategy's conclusion that the further expansion of the North East Bexhill allocation compromises the strategic gap with Hastings and the integrity of the topographical limits.
Suggests that the Core Strategy should remain flexible about the potential for North East Bexhill to be considered a suitable broad location for development, until more detailed assessments including Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments have been undertaken.
There ought to be consideration of the need to balance the delivery of the existing allocation (BX2) i.e., through further residential development releases, with any potential landscape impacts.
Suggest that in light of the lack of published sustainability information indicating a preference for one location over the other, the Core Strategy should remain flexible about where in North Bexhill further development should occur.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 10 - Preferred Strategy for Bexhill
Representation ID: 20152
Received: 20/01/2009
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Trinity College suggest that the establishment of the Pebsham Countryside Park in the emerging development strategy, including through development contributions, should be considered in terms of financially viability.
Suggested Change:
Box 10c environment criteria (i) to read:
The establishment of the Pebsham Countryside Park in line with its emerging development strategy, including through developer contributions, where appropriate and financially viable.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
6. Bexhill and Hastings Fringes
Representation ID: 20153
Received: 20/01/2009
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
Paragraph 6.32
Trinity College objects to the Core Strategy's conclusion that the further expansion of the North East Bexhill allocation compromises the strategic gap with Hastings and the integrity of the topographical limits.
Suggests that the Core Strategy should remain flexible about the potential for North East Bexhill to be considered a suitable broad location for development, until more detailed assessments including Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments have been undertaken.
There ought to be consideration of the need to balance the delivery of the existing allocation (BX2) i.e., through further residential development releases, with any potential landscape impacts.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
6. Bexhill and Hastings Fringes
Representation ID: 20154
Received: 20/01/2009
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
There appears to be no separate sustainability testing of the merits of further growth at North East Bexhill compared to North West Bexhill.
The Sustainability Appraisal's conclusion for the preferred strategy for Bexhill makes no mention of the North West Bexhill area being inherently more sustainable than North East Bexhill.
Suggest that in light of the lack of published sustainability information indicating a preference for one location over the other, the Core Strategy should remain flexible about where in North Bexhill further development should occur.