Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Box 13 - Preferred Strategy Direction for Battle

Representation ID: 20065

Received: 27/01/2009

Respondent: Musgrave Budgens Londis

Agent: GR Planning Consultancy Ltd.

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 7.40 and Box 13(e)(ii)

Object to 1,000sq.m. net of convenience (food) floorspace and policy not going further in confirming that this need can and should be met through the expansion of existing foodstore. Consider potential for at least 1,394sq.m net. No other potential sites. Expasnion of existing store is sustainable. Would increase footfall and linked trips within the centre and give it 'critical mass' to compete with larger foodstores elsewhere. Contrary to PPS6. Request wording 'subject to detailed site assessments' is deleted. Replace by a commitment to accommodating the projected need within the Market Place and through expansion of the store.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Box 15 - Preferred Strategy for Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 20067

Received: 27/01/2009

Respondent: Musgrave Budgens Londis

Agent: GR Planning Consultancy Ltd.

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.34 + Box 15(e)(ii)

1,650 sq.m net of convenience floorspace to 2016 has not been justified, is based on a number of errors and inaccuracies and is a significant overestimation of potential future capacity for convenience floorspace in Rye and should be deleted.

Has not taken into consideration the current and future turnover of the store. Acceptability of providing the recommended scale of floorspace not justified in relation to PPS6 tests and Rye. No assessment of whether the continued expansion and enhancement of the foodstore could accommodate this need. Projections should not be regarded as targets. No assessment of sequential tests.

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