Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 15 - Preferred Strategy for Rye and Rye Harbour
Representation ID: 19258
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
The text at section f) - For development and housing - should be amended with the housing numbers increased to 1,100 dwellings in accordance with the Option 5 figure, (deleting references to the service centre role, considerable environmental, economic and accessibility constraints), acknowledging the planning permission granted on the Local Plan reserve site at Udimore Road as a commitment and reflecting the same in the definition of development boundaries and identifying the balance of the respondent's land holding at Udimore Road, to the west and south of the area benefitting from planning permission as suitable for residential development.
The text at section f) - For development and housing - should be amended with the housing numbers increased to provide for up to 1,100 dwellings in accordance with the Option 5 - Housing Needs based figure (paragraph 5.36) (deleting references to the service centre role and considerable environmental, economic and accessibility constraints), acknowledging the planning permission granted on the Local Plan reserve site at Udimore Road as a commitment and reflecting the same in the definition of development boundaries (see representations under Box 5) and identifying the balance of the respondent's land holding at Udimore Road, to the west and south of the area already benefitting from planning permission as suitable for residential development.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
10. Communities
Representation ID: 19260
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
With reference to paragraph 10.17, the calculation to support this assertion should be set out in the Strategy, perhaps in an Appendix or a cross reference provided to the appropriate evidence base document as it is not clear, with the proposed housing strategy for both Rye and Bexhill, how the proposed lowering of the threshold would yield over 100 extra affordable dwellings in the period 2006 - 2026.
With reference to paragraph 10.17, the calculation to support this assertion should be set out in the Strategy, perhaps in an Appendix or a cross reference provided to the appropriate evidence base document as it is not clear, with the proposed housing strategy for both Rye and Bexhill, how the proposed lowering of the threshold would yield over 100 extra affordable dwellings in the period 2006 - 2026.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 20 - Preferred Strategy for Housing
Representation ID: 19261
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
The number of affordable dwellings that the Strategy seeks to secure through the twenty year period should be set out, together with the number that is to be secured through the S106 mechanism. These figures should seek the provision of more than 92 dwellings per annum overall and 53 new homes through Section 106 (referred to in paragraph 101.0, as that figure is much less than the annual requirement of 256 dwellings set out in the Housing Needs Survey 2005).
The number of affordable dwellings that the Strategy seeks to secure through the twenty year period should be set out, together with the number that is to be secured through the S106 mechanism. These figures should seek the provision of more than 92 dwellings per annum overall and 53 new homes through Section 106 (referred to in paragraph 101.0, as that figure is much less than the annual requirement of 256 dwellings set out in the Housing Needs Survey 2005).
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 20 - Percentage of Affordable Housing
Representation ID: 19262
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
While the number of affordable dwellings to be provided should be increased the absolute percentage requirement should not exceed that stated in the Preferred Strategy and the determination of the percentage mix of intermediate and social rented housing should be deferred for further viability work (as proposed in respect of thresholds) on which the Council should consult and that should embrace the need for a cascade to take account of the viability of development (including the availability of social housing grant).
While the number of affordable dwellings to be provided should be increased the absolute percentage requirement should not exceed that stated in the Preferred Strategy and the determination of the percentage mix of intermediate and social rented housing should be deferred for further viability work (as proposed in respect of thresholds) on which the Council should consult and that should embrace the need for a cascade to take account of the viability of development (including the availability of social housing grant).
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 20 - Housing mix, homelessness and Private Sector Housing Renewal
Representation ID: 19263
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
The requirement for a specific percentage of one and two bedroomed dwellings should be deleted. People aspire to larger dwellings. Concern has been expressed about the provision of large numbers of small dwellings e.g. the SEEDA commissioned DTZ 2007 Report on Housing Type and Size in the South East. Further, experience in the planning of the Udimore Road, Rye site has shown that the affordable requirement (that at 40% is a significant element of the whole) does not necessarily correspond with the specified percentage and accordingly places a disproportionate requirement on the open market element to respect such percentage.
The requirement for a specific percentage of one and two bedroomed dwellings should be deleted. People aspire to larger dwellings. Concern has been expressed about the provision of large numbers of small dwellings e.g. the SEEDA commissioned DTZ 2007 Report on Housing Type and Size in the South East. Further, experience in the planning of the Udimore Road, Rye site has shown that the affordable requirement (that at 40% is a significant element of the whole) does not necessarily correspond with the specified percentage and accordingly places a disproportionate requirement on the open market element to respect such percentage.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 31 - Preferred Strategy for Sustainable Resource Management (Option 2)
Representation ID: 19265
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
No decisions should be taken on these options without full consultation on the outcome of the work still to be undertaken on this issue within the District and sub-region referred to in paragraph 12.32 i.e. the Strategy should not be "led by the outcomes of the formal consultation process" when the outcome of the work referred to is unknown.
No decisions should be taken on these options without full consultation on the outcome of the work still to be undertaken on this issue within the District and sub-region referred to in paragraph 12.32 i.e. the Strategy should not be "led by the outcomes of the formal consultation process" when the outcome of the work referred to is unknown.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Appendix 3 - Components of housing supply
Representation ID: 19266
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd
Agent: Broadlands
The table should be amended to reflect the fact that planning permission has been granted on the Udimore Road (Local Plan "reserve site").
The table should be amended to reflect the fact that planning permission has been granted on the Udimore Road (Local Plan "reserve site").