North East Bexhill Masterplan
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North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19037
Received: 24/07/2007
Respondent: Sea Space
The employment land release is required to turn the fortunes of Bexhill and Hastings. It would therefore be appropriate to specify in paragraph 5.29 the strategic significance of North Bexhill for both towns.
Concerning employment, sufficient flexibity is required within the guidance to allow for changing circumstances and practical experience. If the local economy is too weak to support private sector investment Sea Space is prepared to explore with Rother Council ways in which public intervention may be appropriate to secure its delivery.
North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19038
Received: 24/07/2007
Respondent: Sea Space
Points within the text that we specifically endorse are.
* Seeking provision of serviced plots-this is the main way in which Hastings employment areas were successfully developed out.
* Release of the employment land in parallel with the housing
* Distinction between the areas for different types of employment activity
* High quality development of gateway sites
* An aspiration to attract eco-industries
North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19039
Received: 24/07/2007
Respondent: Sea Space
Support multi-modal approach. Bus services good services within proposed development as well as effective use of Link Road corridor as a bus route. Sea Space is currently working on commissioning feasibility work on the Wilting Farm station concept which will benefit Wilting Farm and rest of Bexhill if it can be demonstrated to be technically and financially deliverable.
North East Bexhill Masterplan
7. Land north of Sidley
Representation ID: 19040
Received: 24/07/2007
Respondent: Sea Space
The configuration of employment sites in Figure 9 should be treated as indicative at this stage. There should be sufficient flexibility to allow for the needs of occupiers to be met, and in the most viable way.