North East Bexhill Masterplan
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North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19076
Received: 11/10/2007
Respondent: Beulah Baptist Church
Agree with paragraphs 5.66 and 5.67 regarding community development
North East Bexhill Masterplan
6. Land north of Pebsham
Representation ID: 19078
Received: 12/07/2007
Respondent: Beulah Baptist Church
Welcome paragraph 6.51 reference to a church and would like to assist with its provision to serve the whole community, including weekday activities for all ages. Ample land should be designated and the developer required to provide a church with a main hall the size of at least 4 badminton courts. A location better placed to serve all Pebsham is preferred.
North East Bexhill Masterplan
8. Implementation
Representation ID: 19079
Received: 11/10/2007
Respondent: Beulah Baptist Church
Request that the Council includes within the Section 106 obligations on the developer that a church building is provided to serve as a church/community centre.