North East Bexhill Masterplan

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North East Bexhill Masterplan


Representation ID: 19025

Received: 20/07/2007

Respondent: SEEDA

Representation Summary:

SEEDA recognises the importance of developing North Bexhill in delivering the new employment floor space required to revitalise the economies of Bexhill and Hastings. Additionally the Agency views North East Bexhill as a key strategic development for East Sussex and one of the key sites for the Coastal South East.


North East Bexhill Masterplan

5. Development principles

Representation ID: 19026

Received: 20/07/2007

Respondent: SEEDA

Representation Summary:

The 'Masterplan' is well aligned to Regional Economic Strategy (RES) and specifically welcomes the references:

- The need to provide an additional 48 000 sq. m of high quality business space. complementing Target 9 of RES.
- The aspiration to attract growth industries such as Eco-industries to the site will complement RES Action 11.4
- 40% affordable housing target complements Target 9 of RES (specifically supports shared equity provision)
- Energy efficient low/zero carbon footprint through use of renewable technologies complements Target 11 of RES
- Improve walk and cycle links and improve public transport complements Target 8 of RES.

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