North East Bexhill Masterplan
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North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19071
Received: 27/07/2007
Respondent: Southern Water
Support holistic approach to infrastructure in paragraphs 5.53 to 5.58. Support paragraph 5.62 which acknowledges that there is currently only limited capacity in existing foul sewerage systems and that improvements will need to be to service the proposed development area.
Support the objective of SUDS but would like the following text included in paragraph 5.60.
The design of SUDS must be appropriate and proposals will need to include maintenance arrangements to ensure effective drainage throughout the lifetime of the development.
North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19072
Received: 27/07/2007
Respondent: Southern Water
Existing infrastructure may cross the proposed development site and propose the following after text in paragraph 5.62.
"It is important that existing sewers and pumping mains within the area are not damaged during construction. The layout of the development must ensure that the sewers and mains are not built over, and that appropriate easements are provided. This will ensure that future access is secured for the purposes of maintenance and upsizing. Development should contact Southern Water for further advice."