Core Strategy Issues & Options

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Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026

Representation ID: 18973

Received: 23/02/2007

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Need to ensure that existing sites and facilities used for sport and recreation are protected and enhanced. The need to meet the demand for housing and employment often results in pressures placed upon recreation facilities both natural and built.

Concern that theme only refers to protecting high quality environments. Not all sports facilities are high quality but may be the only facilities available. In those circumstances the objective should be to improve the quality of provision as part of any proposal.

Need to secure the provision of new sports and recreation facilities to meet the demands generated by new communities


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy

Representation ID: 18974

Received: 23/02/2007

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Participation in sport and active recreation provides fun, exercise and a sense of achievement for all. It underpins people’s quality of life and is fundamental to the delivery of broader Government objectives.

The planning system and in particular LDFs have a vital role to play in helping to meet Government targets on physical activity.

The South East Plan for Sport provides a framework for increasing participation levels in sport and active recreation. Government targets will only be realised if all involved in providing for sport and active recreation, including the planning system, embrace them.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 8 re. securing the necessary infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and communities

Representation ID: 18975

Received: 23/02/2007

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Sport England has developed tools to enable local authorities to secure sport and recreation through new developments e.g., provision of sport and recreation through new housing development; SPG template; planning contributions check list; case studies of what can be secured through new developments.

A robust up-to-date local needs assessment for open space, sport and recreation, as required by PPG17 should be carried out urgently. Sport England provides a number of tools to assist in these assessments. Included is information on Active Places Power, a database with the ability to carry out detailed analysis of provision.

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