Core Strategy Issues & Options
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Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026
Representation ID: 18624
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
General comment: HBC would like to congratulate RDC on the quality of the document and is very supportive of the general content and direction of the options offered. It is welcomed that clear reference is made to â€~Shaping Hastings’ which is an important recognition of the joint working between the two Councils.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 6 re. addressing poor connectivity with the wider region and London, localised congestion and high reliance on car use
Representation ID: 18625
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
Strong emphasis is placed on the importance of the A21/Queensway improvements and the provision of the Hastings/Bexhill Link Road in delivering the overall development strategy for the sub-region which is very strongly supported by HBC.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 8 re. securing the necessary infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and communities
Representation ID: 18626
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
The document clearly states that in terms of infrastructure and community facilities, new development will only be permitted where the services are available, or will be provided in the future. This view is supported by HBC.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy
Representation ID: 18627
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
The aims make no reference to the cross-boundary issues affecting Hastings and Bexhill or to the need for a joined-up approach to the preparation of the Hastings and Rother LDFs. We strongly urge that the Strategy is enhanced to include a further aim which recognises the importance of a joined-up approach in line with the vision and objective in the Hastings Core Strategy (see â€~Shaping Hastings’ Vision 1 and Objective 3).
It would be very helpful if future publications of the Rother LDF made reference to relevant related work being undertaken by HBC.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 15 re. the most appropriate development option for Bexhill
Representation ID: 18628
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
HBC strongly supports Option 3. Focusing development purely at Bexhill (options 1 and 2) would not assist future Hastings development opportunities and does not adequately support the wider needs of the sub-region.
Option 3 will help to ensure Hastings and Bexhill share the value of being part of a wider community with more opportunities and a wider range of facilities and attractions. It reinforces the logic of the Regional Hub.
The two Councils are involved in a range of initiatives. To ignore this interdependence could fail to capitalise on an opportunity to strengthen the two Councils regionally.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 17 re. the most appropriate development option for Battle
Representation ID: 18629
Received: 31/01/2007
Respondent: Hastings Borough Council
In respect of the area strategies for the areas outside Bexhill, HBC does not consider the options are likely to have a significant direct impact as long as the emphasis for future growth continues to be on the Bexhill and Hastings area. However, of the 2 options for Battle, HBC favours Option 1.