Core Strategy Issues & Options
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Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026
Representation ID: 18988
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England recommends that there is 1ha of accessible natural green space per 1000 existing people and this target has since been adopted by the Audit Commission as a Quality of Life indicator and the green space standards have also been included as a benchmark in Government guidance on open space strategies. For new developments there may be an additional requirement for greenspace to ensure designated site protection this assumes the existing greenspace standards already meet the Natural England standards.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026
Representation ID: 18989
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Support the inclusion of the High Weald AONB Management Plan and suggest that the Sussex Biodiversity Action Plan is also included as the Rother District has such an important range of habitats and species that need safeguarding.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 2 re. managing future uncertainties
Representation ID: 18990
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Climate change is an issue of great importance to Rother District as it is a coastal district and areas of floodplain. However adapting and mitigating against climate change brings some opportunities. In this district there is particular opportunity to mitigate the impacts using renewable energy (wood biomass, solar energy, small hydropower plants and wind). The woodland cover in the district and rural nature means that is its particularly well situated to support development of woodfuel for local and district heating systems.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy
Representation ID: 18991
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
To achieve a sustainable future for Rother District. We particularly support Aim 1 to ensure that the environment is conserved and enhanced.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 4 re. planning for the diverse needs of all sections of local communities
Representation ID: 18992
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
The need to build in green infrastructure within housing (see comments previously) for the well being of both people and the environment. Housing designed needs to reduce impacts on the global as well as local environment.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 7 re. meeting development demands in ways responsive to local and global environmental considerations
Representation ID: 18993
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Farming can also provide food within the local area as well as contribute to the character and appearance of the countryside. The contribution of forestry to the countryside, as well as farming, should be noted, particularly in this highly wooded district. More woodland management could have benefits from providing energy resource, improving opportunities for wildlife and an enhanced landscape.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 5 re. the most effective and appropriate means of increasing the income available to local people
Representation ID: 18994
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
We are glad to note that you are keen to stimulate economic opportunities in the district, specifically taking into account the needs of land based industries that help conserve and enhance the countryside (paragraph 6.25). Within farming securing producers with local outlets reduces food miles and encourages viability of less productive land (ie flower rich meadows, small fields bounded by hedgerows).
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 5 re. the most effective and appropriate means of increasing the income available to local people
Representation ID: 18995
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Within forestry the stimulation of the market for woodfuel and firewood would help to secure jobs in the rural economy, and ensure sustainable woodland management with its benefits for landscape and biodiversity. The stimulation of the market for these products could be helped by setting a % requirement for renewable energy in new building and help to refurbish existing buildings, particularly with woodfuel boilers.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 6 re. addressing poor connectivity with the wider region and London, localised congestion and high reliance on car use
Representation ID: 18996
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
Encouragement of schemes such as â€~Tourism without Traffic’ has already taken place in Sussex.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 7 re. meeting development demands in ways responsive to local and global environmental considerations
Representation ID: 18997
Received: 26/02/2007
Respondent: Natural England
We agree with much that is contained within section 8. The Coastline draws both residents and visitors alike. The inclusion of the Shoreline Management Plan is supported.