Core Strategy Issues & Options

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Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026

Representation ID: 18921

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Theme 1:It is not considered that either affordable housing or community support networks is the key issue. What is meant by balanced is unclear. It is not focused or well structured.
Theme 2: Prosperity cannot be guaranteed and is not achievable but you can create a range of opportunities, with an enabling environment.
Theme 4: Quality is not a theme or a key issue, and is the wrong one for the environment.
Theme 5: Community Infrastructure and Facilities is not a satisfactory theme, and appears a 'catch all’.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026

Representation ID: 18922

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

The Key Issues and Themes should be rephrased as follows:
. Environmental Sustainability ...quot; Ensure that the urban and green environments are ecologically, socially and economically sustainable
. Social Sustainability ...quot; Ensure that we have peaceful and prosperous communities
. Economic Sustainability...quot;Enlarge and strengthen the economic base of the District
. Relevant and Sufficient Support Infrastructure ...quot; Ensure that the necessary infrastructure to support sustainable communities is in place. Key issues include education, health, water and energy
ª Transport and Accessibility ...quot; address the need for people to move around using alternatives to private cars.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026

Representation ID: 18923

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

What is missing from the Rother in Profile is how Rother fits with Hastings, the whole of East Sussex and the South East in terms of its interconnectedness. 'Drivers for change’ may change over time. Drivers missing are those relating to energy, waste and recycling, social cohesion, household size, community and skills development. This section should be strengthened.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 2 re. managing future uncertainties

Representation ID: 18924

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Splitting the area in to " coastal urban"; It is agreed that there are widely different constraints and opportunities between the two. However the centralisation of services means that the importance of Bexhill and Hastings as primary service centres for the rural hinterland should not be ignored. This means that transport systems in the area are of paramount importance.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy

Representation ID: 18925

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Current Local Plan aims broad brush. Current vision statement does not acknowledge changing role of older people in society, and economically active lifestyle for older people that is expected over the next 20 years. Needs to be reference to strengths of Rother now and in 20 years time.
Needs to more emphasis on rural/coastal location, opportunities to build economy on natural environment, green technologies, transport education and skills training as key drivers of economic change and an ambition to build infrastructure that is 21st century.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 4 re. planning for the diverse needs of all sections of local communities

Representation ID: 18926

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Acknowledgement required that top-down planning only is dead and that diverse communities need to be empowered and enabled to articulate their needs. Again the emphasis of this theme in the draft is on affordable housing. The Core Strategy should focus on building a community infrastructure that will continue to provide answers to this question. Housing is only one issue of many. Without job no house is affordable and without skills no job is attainable without suitable community infrastructure e.g., childcare, job choice is restricted.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 13 re. the future objectives for Bexhill

Representation ID: 18927

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Considering Bexhill in the light of developments in Hastings. It is agreed that this is common
sense. Also agree that growth is a preferred option for Bexhill in order to overcome what appears to be a gradual economic decline in the town.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026

Representation ID: 18928

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

An emphasis on quality throughout. It is agreed that short-term thinking clearly has been proved to have major long term disadvantages and costs. Quality will bring further quality and should be a central principle of the Core Strategy. By quality we do not mean preservation of the status-quo.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 4 re. planning for the diverse needs of all sections of local communities

Representation ID: 18929

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

If redefined this theme could include physical infrastructure to support community development. Without places to go, and things to do, opportunities for individuals to come and meet each other are reduced lessening the chance of cohesive, engaged and active communities developing. There is a strong need to provide modern up-to-date community facilities


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 5 re. the most effective and appropriate means of increasing the income available to local people

Representation ID: 18930

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Skills land and premises and a modern communications infrastructure are the key. Public sector can assist prosperity by creating an enabling environment to allow public sector to develop faster. Barriers to business growth are skills, land and communications. Any unmet needs for business land and premises would be clearer in situations of high growth rates. Out commuting brings net wealth inflow to the District. Better work opportunities may lessen tendancy. Commuters also provide economic base for train companies, without which other travel times may not be sustainable. Second homes/investment may have greater negative impact.

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