Core Strategy Issues & Options

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Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 9 re. general principles for guiding the location of development up to 2026

Representation ID: 18702

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby

Agent: Terence O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

The Strategy should prioritise the use of previously developed land (PDL), include local PDL targets/trajectories and incorporate strategies for bringing PDL into housing use (see PPS3).

The Strategy should ensure a flexible/responsive housing land supply. It should include policies and implementation strategies to ensure sufficient, suitable land to achieve housing and PDL delivery objectives.

The approach should reflect PPS3, paragraph 53. Short term sites should be deliverable and developable.

Greater emphasis should be given to the sequential approach to identifying sites than the Local Plan. In the absence of suitable urban sites, PDL adjacent to existing settlements should be allocated.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 10 re. the merits of higher or lower levels of growth, especially in the short to medium term

Representation ID: 18703

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby

Agent: Terence O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

PPS3 encourages authorities to have strategies which achieve a good mix of housing and create sustainable communities. The Issues and Options document acknowledges that the housing needs of Rother’s communities are diverse and that it is important to deliver a closer alignment between these needs and the housing types provided.

Higher growth levels will improve the variety of housing in the district, particularly in terms of tenure and price and help achieve a mix of different households.

The Core Strategy should plan for the level of housing proposed in the South East Plan.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 11 re. scenarios A, B and C

Representation ID: 18704

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby

Agent: Terence O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

The principle for prioritising development in urban areas is acknowledged but such development should not be encouraged where infilling, redevelopment, intensification and the conversion of existing buildings would be to the detriment of existing residents’ amenity and limit the scope to achieve a mix of housing to meet local needs.

Land availability within existing settlements is often scarce and sites are often small. The need to prioritise development on urban previously developed land is acknowledged but where this fails to deliver a suitable mix, sites beyond defined development boundaries should be considered.

Scenario C is favoured.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 18 re. the future objectives for Rye

Representation ID: 18705

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby

Agent: Terence O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

We support the existing policy strategy of the adopted Local Plan, which seeks to maintain the residential and employment functions of the town, together with its character, as stipulated by Policy RY1.

We consider the Council will need to encourage some housing and employment growth during the Plan period to sustain the vitality of Rye as a market town and meet local needs. Previously developed sites within the existing settlement boundary, and directly adjacent to it, should be used fully to contribute to accommodating this growth, prior to the use of greenfield sites.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Question 19 re. the most appropriate development option for Rye

Representation ID: 18706

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. and Mrs. Appleby

Agent: Terence O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

Option 1 is broadly supported. Incremental growth in/next to rural settlements is supported where it maintains the town’s vitality and meets local housing/employment needs. Through the LDF, the Local Plan allocation at Udimore Road can be reconsidered and other, more sustainable, housing sites identified.

The Council should review settlement boundaries to make the best use of previously developed sites and avoid inappropriate development in Rye.

Cadborough Farm lies adjacent to Rye’s development boundary in the AONB. It is 1km from Rye’s centre, has not been used for agriculture since 1992 and is currently used for holiday lets.

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