Core Strategy Issues & Options
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Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 1 re. the key issues for development and change up to 2026
Representation ID: 18533
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
The theme currently refers to the associated benefits for the community that can arise from a healthy economy rather than the underlying requirements that will deliver these benefits. The theme should be re-worded along the following lines:
"what are the most effective and appropriate means of enhancing the vitality and viability of the District's economy so as to provide the opportunity to increase the income available to local people, including via a range of career and learning opportunities, to support improvements in people's standards of living.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 2 re. managing future uncertainties
Representation ID: 18534
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
In this context it is vitally important that the Core Strategy adopts a strategy that stimulates growth and provides the opportunities for investment. A conservative approach to growth will not achieve this. It will simply perpetuate the weak economy and levels of social deprivation that currently exist. The Council must take a more proactive approach and create the opportunities for economic growth that are currently missing.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy
Representation ID: 18535
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
The vital role of facilitating a return on investment should be recognised in the Core Strategy objectives. For a local business this could relate to improved transport links or to the availability of a larger workforce locally. For a developer, it will be related to a wide variety of factors that will influence finished development values.
There is also no reference to encouraging regeneration.
Aim 4 should be amended as follows:
"To secure a more prosperous and diverse economy and recognise the factors that engender economic investment and regeneration."
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 4 re. planning for the diverse needs of all sections of local communities
Representation ID: 18536
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
It is important that the Core Strategy is not prescriptive on this issue. The type and size of housing provided should reflect the market demand and housing need at any given time. As regards the rural area, there is a need for modest growth in most villages in order to encourage the viability of the community and services available there.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 5 re. the most effective and appropriate means of increasing the income available to local people
Representation ID: 18537
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Opportunities must be taken to make Rother a more attractive place for business investors. These should include facilitating regeneration, improving the district's image, taking advantage of the coastline and other water environments, and reducing out-migration of workers.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 7 re. meeting development demands in ways responsive to local and global environmental considerations
Representation ID: 18538
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
As regards managing flood risk, the building of barriers is not an ideal solution. This is now amply demonstrated at Rye, where the flood prevention scheme implemented along Strand Quay in particular, visually and functionally cuts the town off from its maritime past. It is an intrusive and alien feature, which is harmful to the historic townscape. Alternative methods of flood control and flood management should be encouraged.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 9 re. general principles for guiding the location of development up to 2026
Representation ID: 18539
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
The protection of 'countryside gaps' is a planning policy that needs re-examination. In practice, some land that falls within designated 'strategic gaps' is actually less sensitive than land that falls outside such areas.
The general principle (xii) should be replaced with the following:
"Recognising the individual character and form of individual settlements and ensuring that this is not compromised".
The protection of strategic gaps might be one means of achieving this aim, but it allows for other townscape and landscape approaches to be followed.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 18 re. the future objectives for Rye
Representation ID: 18540
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
The strategy for Rye should:
� Aim for a medium to high level of growth over the coming years with particular emphasis being placed on improving the actual prosperity of the community rather than the perceived prosperity of some parts of the town.
� Encourage initiatives that allow the strength and diversity of the economic base of the town to be enhanced.
� Explicitly recognise and facilitate for the need for regeneration.
� Support measures that improve the image of the town and its attractiveness to investors.
� Optimise the waterside location of the town and draw on its marine heritage.
Core Strategy Issues & Options
Question 19 re. the most appropriate development option for Rye
Representation ID: 18541
Received: 07/12/2006
Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Please also refer to Representations made under ID 18540 to Question 18