Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 72


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19219

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Sedlescombe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study - Village Appraisal - Sedlescombe

Second sentence - rewrite-The village, with its many timbered houses with origins in the 15th century and its 19th century picturesque pumphouse on the large village green has, in the past, been voted 'The Best Kept Village in All Sussex'.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19220

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Sedlescombe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study - Village Appraisal - Sedlescombe

First sentence - add an "s" to the end of "recreation ground".

Second paragraph. Amend as school buses are only once a day each way during school times. The public 349 bus service runs only every two hours between Hastings and Hawkhurst and the community bus runs on two days a week, two journeys each way to Battle. There is no public bus service to Bexhill. No bus services to or from Sedlescombe can be described as "frequent".


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19221

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Sedlescombe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study - Village Appraisal - Sedlescombe

Community Needs for other Services

In the paragraph "In their response to the Parish Council Planning Seminar", rewrite as follows "In its response to the Parish council Planning Seminar, Sedlescombe Parish Council does not feel affordable housing is an issue in the village. According to a recent Parish Council survey, the three things of most concern to residents are speeding traffic, parking and anti-social behaviour". NB Although there is some concern about the bus service, it was nowhere near the top of the list in the survey.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19222

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Sedlescombe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study - Village Appraisal - Sedlescombe

Community Needs for other Services
Rewrite the next sentence to read: "There are two Parish Council run play areas, at East View Terrace and at the Sedlescombe Recreation Ground and another run by Orbit Housing Association at East View Terrace." Add"Sedlescombe has an eight acre sportsfield and pavilion (new 2009)".


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19223

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Sedlescombe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study - Village Appraisal - Sedlescombe

Community Needs for other Services
Amend next sentence to read "Sedlescombe Parish Council was also asked its views as part of the process of producing......." and then later in the same paragraph amend to read " All outdoor open spaces in Sedlescombe have high usage levels except the private allotments which are fairly derelict due to lack of publicity".

Amend last word in this paragraph to "cited".


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19324

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Study Part 1
Paragraphs 6.63 states that windfall sites will predominately be within those villages with development boundaries. Countryside policies would however, prevent infill development with settlements without identified built up area boundaries. If the Council consider that there may be opportunities for infill/redevelopment in 'Countryside' settlements (ie those without settlement boundaries) a new policy needs to be introduced into the Core Strategy. Such a policy could also refer to the re use/redevelopment of brownfield sites in countryside policy locations.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19326

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study Part 2
The Consultation on Strategy Directions indicates that built up area boundaries around towns and villages will be identified as part of the Housing Allocation DPD. While the Rural Settlement Study provides a comprehensive assessment of rural settlements to inform the list of settlements included in Box 17 (e), it goes too far in identifying the potential for housing development in each settlement. This is a matter for detailed consideration and public consultation as part of the Housing Allocations DPD and could prejudice the potential of other suitable housing sites being identified at that stage (either by revisions to settlement boundaries or by the allocation of suitable housing sites).


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19380

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

HRA: Natural England commends the Council for inclusion of our comments on the screening opinion. We look forward to working with the Council as the Appropriate Assessment progresses, and we would strongly advise working jointly with neighbouring Councils, In particular with Wealden District Council when reviewing the capacity for Hailsham Sewerage Treatment Works if this will be servicing any of the proposed housing allocation.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19405

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

(RSS) The 2008 Housing Needs Survey probably understates the need for the elderly, because it does not include those with a Robertsbridge connection who wish to return to the village because of the range of services that the village provides. Robertsbridge has NO sheltered accommodation, the nearest being Hurst Green. REG support the conclusion in the report that a higher proportion of affordable housing should be used from the smaller sites allocation, but would urge that priority be given to solving the lack of sheltered housing.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19406

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

(Rural Settlement Study)
Appendix 5 divides Robertsbridge into four areas, nowhere else specifically identified, but indicates no rationale for this. What is the rationale in a village context? If you analysed local employment you would find no direct correlation between where people live and where they work, even if both occur in the village. We do not believe it adds to the clarity of the analysis.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19407

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

(RSS) 'Economic role/needs', para 3 states Robertsbridge has a very low economic base'. It would be helpful for a clearer explanation of the derivation of the statistics used in Appendix 5.
Economic activity must, encompass the generation of gainful employment and/or the release of spending power at both the individual and the collective level. Therefore what needs to be assessed in looking at Robertsbridge and elsewhere, is the total economic activity, compriseing the retail, manufacturing/commercial sectors, educational , social and voluntary enterprises, as well as the considerable number of home based businesses.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19408

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

(RSS) Any policy proposals must have in mind the needs of all of these diverse aspects of the local economy. This means that an emphasis must be placed not only on facilitating home based businesses, with such matters as improvement of communications facilities including improvement in broadband speeds and capacity but also positive support from the Council in planning and advice to encourage the development of sustainable local businesses, whose total carbon footprint inevitably will be lower than others who have to deliver goods and services from miles and even continents away.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19409

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

Given the overall need for increased sustainability, we would agree with the statement that Robertsbridge needs more employment. It would in our view unsustainable for the balance to shift further in favour of commuting. We believe that RDC should promote for reasons of sustainability, further opportunities for employment within the village. We are not aware of any studies that have established the economic loss to a community when the out-commuting figures are high. However the Local Plan Framework, has to address this problem of leakage. (RSS)


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19410

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

(RSS) We have identified the need for further employment allocations in the village as a result of the submissions made to assist RDC's successful opposition to the Mill Site. Farm conversion units can provide employment accommodation, and these should be supported wherever possible. Has survey included home based workers?
Support the continued advocacy for the Mill Site. It could be a flagship site where the most energy efficient techniques could be employed to minimise the carbon impact of the development as a whole. The old mill itself could be a source of energy to the site


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19411

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

Robertsbridge has the capacity, given its excellent transport links, for improvement of the tourism and leisure infrastructure it has. The formation of the rail link between Robertsbridge and Bodiam is a clear example , as is an improvement in the footpath, cycleway and bridle path network, and is a clear example of a green tourist aspiration. The good infrastructure the village has with food facilities, pubs, and restaurants is clearly a positive attribute. All of this will require further investment. (RSS)


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19412

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

Robertsbridge houses several aspects of equiculture. This is a good example of an enterprise which because of its diverse locations and aspects, from the obvious stabling and exercise of horses to vets to the manufacture of horse boxes and stables, does not attract separate attention but contributes substantially to the local rural economy. It should be supported and encouraged by RDC particularly in the AONB, as it provides not only employment and a positive contribution to the economy, but also creates increased sport, recreation and tourism opportunities within the rural economy in a sustainable fashion (RSS)


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19413

Received: 17/02/2009

Respondent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Agent: Robertsbridge Enterprise Group

Representation Summary:

Robertsbridge has suffered as a commercial centre following a recent planning appeal decision which allowed conversion of a long standing retail establishment into wholly residential. The number of retail premises in the High Street and Station Road is now likely to fall below the critical mass necessary to maintain its attractiveness and the inevitable domino effect will occur unless RDC strengthens the planning principles which were supported in the recent appeal decision. This is absolutely critical for the future of Robertsbridge as a service centre, which appears to be RDC's aim too. (RSS)


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19467

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Fairlight Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study
Fairlight Cove Village Appraisal
A number of minor textual amendments, including;
Intro: high proportion of detached houses and flats as well as bungalows
Facilities & Services: Rother should introduce a policy to encourage small businesses within villages.
Facilities & Services: Clarification that Fairlight Cove has a farm shop and doctors visit village hall.
Accessibility: Clarifies only frequent trains are from Hastings.
Community Needs: Comments on limited cycling potential due to Battery Hill.
Environment: Area surrounding village is watershed.
Development Potential: Fairlight Gardens is 15 dwellings not 17.
New development contributes to landslip as well as coastal erosion.
Southern Water have stated that the sewerage system is near capacity.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19519

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Catsfield Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study
A number of points RE:Catsfield Village Appraisal
Some clarifications and corrections regarding road names, transport services, zebra crossing and school refurbishment.
Query about distinction bewteen village and parish. Pointed out that population figure is for village only and that parish has more people and 4 other settlements.
Can we be more specific about where development potential land is?
Parish would like to know on what ctiterion 40 dwellings are required. Comment that small amount of affordable housing would be acceptable as well as an addition to the small dweliings opposite the village hall colloquially known as the "old Peoples Bungalows"


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19557

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Trustees of the Glyndebourne 1991 L & P Trust

Agent: Mr. Dale Mayhew

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study
Table 3: Village Housing Distribution
Document concludes that the preferred option is a combination of focusing on Service Centres, whilst taking into account environmental constraints, local needs and accessibility.
PPS 7 makes clear that away from larger urban areas, LPAs should focus most
new development in or near to Local Service Centres where employment, housing, services and other facilities can be provided close together. It notes that this should help ensure those facilities are
served by public transport and provide improved opportunities for access by walking and cycling. It
notes that these centres, which might be a country town, single large village or group of villages, should be identified in the Development Plan as the preferred location for development.
Having regard to this national guidance, the paper should recommend that the
Core Strategy Consultation Document establishes a housing distribution strategy in the rural area with
the primary focus on Service Centres, whilst placing significant weight on accessibility by public transport, such as the
train. Whilst other matters such as environmental constraints will inevitably play their role, these should not be the primary consideration in establishing an overall strategy.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19558

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Trustees of the Glyndebourne 1991 L & P Trust

Agent: Mr. Dale Mayhew

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Study Table 3: Village Housing Distribution
Having regard to the guidance in PPS7, and the Rural Settlement Study's acknowledgement of
the level of services and sustainability of the settlement of Robertsbridge, strong support is
offered to the identification of the settlement of Robertsbridge for continued delivery of the
current unimplemented allocations as well as the identification of up to 55 additional dwellings.
This reflects the importance of the settlement and the ongoing needs to ensure existing
services can be given the best chance of remaining viable in the interests of sustainability and of the quality of life of local residents.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19559

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Trustees of the Glyndebourne 1991 L & P Trust

Agent: Mr. Dale Mayhew

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Study
Paragraphs 6.65 to 6.67 Business and
Commercial Floor Space
The Study identifies villages that would particularly benefit from additional local employment opportunities, including Robertsbridge. This has been determined, having regard to economic indicators, summarised in App5 .
Given wider importance of R'bridge, it is important to ensure that employment opportunities continue to be provided, preferably in sustainable locations
close to centre and public transport corridors, in interests of maintaining the wider
sustainability of settlement in the LT. Support is offered for the Study's identification that Robertsbridge should
benefit from additional employment floor space growth as well as housing growth.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19560

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Trustees of the Glyndebourne 1991 L & P Trust

Agent: Mr. Dale Mayhew

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Study
Appendix 2 - Service Level Indicatives
The Rural Settlement Study is supported by a variety of empirical research which is
summarised in the Appendices. Appendix 2 provides a summary of the level of services
located within each settlement of the district.
Strong support is offered for the use of the service level indicator assessment, in order to inform which settlements are best placed to absorb further development in the interests of both preserving existing levels of services and where possible enhancing them, in the interests of sustainable development for the benefit of local residents.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19579

Received: 28/01/2009

Respondent: Mr. Allan Derwent George

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Strategy
Brede Village Appraisal
I object to the line of the Brede Village Development Framework Boundary in relation to specific property
I recommend the Brede Village Development Framework Boundary be subject to revision in the light of representations as to the best use of available land within the built-up confines of the towns and villages.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19581

Received: 28/01/2009

Respondent: Ticehurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study
Ticehurst Village Appraisal
We accept that we should carry our share of the housing proposed in the SEPLAN through the provision of 50 new dwellings between 2006 and 2026 in spite of the fact that we have taken well over our share for the last 20 years..
BUT we are determined that the type of dwelling to be provided shall be of a type that is in demand within the community
The HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY produced for the parish by Action in rural Sussex in 2007 demonstrates the need for 52 "AFFORDABLE homes". The provision of these homes is plainly a major concern for the Council.. IF HASTOE housing could provide say 15 dwellings on an EXCEPTION SITE and the redevelopment at Woodroffe Lodge provide a further 12 we would be a long way towards achieving our target.
National and local statistics show a constantly rising proportion of our population to be over retirement age. We believe that the greatest demand within the private sector is for relatively modest 1/2/3 bedroom dwellings frequently for retirement, for our ageing population when down sizing from a larger house. Experience has shown that many of the smaller and cheaper properties in the parish have been bought by first time buyers and subsequently application is made to expand and improve the property increasing its size and value, leaving an ever decreasing stock of smaller dwellings available foe people wanting to downsize. This problem would be solved to some extent by the availability of apartment dwellings which cannot be physically enlarged or substantially altered.
This demand could well be served by a 25 unit apartment block such as that proposed by Court Royal for the site at Warrens redundant bus station. This is probably the ONLy SITE within the village envelope within easy walking distance .of the village centre that could accommodate a viable size of residential apartment building.. If this development could be achieved in conjunction with an adjacent exception site to the rear ofHillbury Gardens we would more than fulfil the quota of 50 dwellings between now and 2026 since the development at Lower St Mary's should be included in this time frame.
We are concerned to ensure that the village would not be put under pressure to increase the allocation ofnew homes just because we had filled our quota early in the 20 year time frame. Any proposals for development of "Hanky Field" to the west of the school should be rejected as being excessive in proportion to our current community.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19582

Received: 28/01/2009

Respondent: Ticehurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Flimwell already has26 new dwellings allocated under the unimplemented local plan, both at Comer Farm site and at Old Wardsdown. The Parish Council is of the opinion that there should be NO FURTHER ALLOCATIONS unless and until resolution is obtained regarding the route of A21 through the village and the potential construction of a Village Hall! Village centre is decided If and when these developments occur .there is potential for some affordable dwellings. But the siteing is dependant upon the above.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19583

Received: 28/01/2009

Respondent: Ticehurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

We agree with the conclusions of the Settlement study that Stonegate is NOT a particularly sustainable location for development. Whereas there may ibe an opportunity for Windfall sites to occur, any Affordable allocations in the village should be matched by an improvement in public transport. At present all households remain entirely dependant upon private car transport.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19586

Received: 28/01/2009

Respondent: Iden Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Do not oppose 0-15 houses, but trust 2 with permission count towards total.
Would oppose ribbon dvelopment or development of an estate type.
Want to retain iden's compact form.
Want appropriate individual dwellings in available plots which are in keeping with village appearance. We are aware that it is sometimes difficult for existing Iden residents to downsize and still remain in the village and hence a need for the smaller type of dwelling.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19587

Received: 05/02/2009

Respondent: Mr. Andrew Dunlop

Representation Summary:

Pett Level section should refer to Pett Level East which is on map but not mentioned.
Although Pett & Pett Level is all one village you treat them as two parishes. The east end of Pett is lumped in with Pett Level and has totally different aspects and potential for development. You state that there is a need for a new play area at Cliff End to be delivered as a high priority but playground in Pett Village.
Pett and Pett Level should be dealt with separately.
Also mentioned minor clarification of parish boundaries.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Representation ID: 19607

Received: 29/01/2009

Respondent: Bodiam Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Strategy
Bodiam Village Apprasal
We think that the opening paragraph does not fully reflect the nature of the parish and have suggested new and replacement text. Essentially it is viewed that Bodiam covers a wider area and has a higher population than stated.
A couple of other minor amendments regarding
Bodiam Parish Council's stated views taken verbatim from Rother District Council's Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study.