Question 4 re. planning for the diverse needs of all sections of local communities

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 35


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18508

Received: 30/11/2006



Representation Summary:

Particular types of housing -
Housing needs surveys should include the need for market as well as affordable housing. Better dissemination of the results of these surveys could help guide the industry.

The reports could be circulated (in the form of newsletter to local agents, developers?) They can then respond to a particular need. e.g. if the housing survey shows the need for a sheltered housing in a particular location, the market should be made aware of it and thus have the opportunity to provide.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18520

Received: 06/12/2006

Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd

Agent: Broadlands

Representation Summary:

The role of development and the planning process in providing affordable housing is becoming more significant. Development economics with the need to fund increasing levels of infrastructure, physical and social make it important that any requirement for the provision of affordable housing, as a percentage of the overall residential development of any site, is itself affordable (viable) in development terms.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18536

Received: 07/12/2006

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

It is important that the Core Strategy is not prescriptive on this issue. The type and size of housing provided should reflect the market demand and housing need at any given time. As regards the rural area, there is a need for modest growth in most villages in order to encourage the viability of the community and services available there.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18546

Received: 07/12/2006

Respondent: Hastings and Rother Primary Care Trust

Representation Summary:

In order to account for the ageing population accessible affordable two bed housing should be prioritised so that relatives have the opportunity live with and care for / visit and support their elderly relatives.

Partnerships between the health and social care and private sector developers should be encouraged in order to develop extra care housing for the elderly.

In order to support rural communities development should only be considered when it has easy access to public transport


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18575

Received: 29/01/2007

Respondent: Crowhurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

(a) The aim should be to provide a mix of housing
(b) By integration not segregation of these residents
(c) Supporting local democracy, i.e., Parish Councils and listening to their concerns in a sympathetic manner without appearing to be patronising. Respecting local concerns on such issues as the link road and the spread of industry/office building/housing from urban areas into the countryside.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18598

Received: 30/01/2007

Respondent: Etchingham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Housing is of great concern, particularly to those without their own home and/or in inappropriate accommodation. The fact that even if all the proposed new housing were affordable, it would not be sufficient should concentrate the mind of those influencing decisions.
The greatest demand is for smaller units for young/single people and the elderly. There are plenty of elderly people in inappropriate, large, unsustainable houses. Encouragement is needed for them to move to smaller units to free up large houses for families. A mix of housing supports good community support networks.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18611

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Ewhurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The provision of affordable housing that remains 'social' with successive owners should be prioritised, preferably to meet indigenous accommodation needs.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18622

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Bodiam Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Encouragement of a diverse social and economic community by a wide range of housing type. Affordable and sheltered housing in this village to enable freeing-up of larger houses. Attention to good design in all housing, and a mix of housing types in all developments.
Support for enabling organizations such as AiRS.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18635

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Rye Conservation Society

Representation Summary:

More affordable housing is required to meet the needs of first time buyers in their local communities. However, inward migration should be directed towards large conurbations where employment is more readily available. The guidance in draft PPS3 should find specific expression in the LDF to the effect that new housing in village and market towns should serve only to meet he needs of the local community.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18653

Received: 01/02/2007

Respondent: Croudace Strategic Ltd

Agent: Charles Planning Associates Limited

Representation Summary:

The Core Strategy should not include a policy prioritising particular housing types. The Strategy should be based on an up to date Housing Market Assessment, regularly updated to respond to market changes.

Demand for housing types will change. The Core Strategy policy should require the provision of housing types reflecting the latest Assessment and site-specific considerations. An arbitrary policy prescribing housing types would not be flexible and could create housing market imbalances.

If the Core Strategy restricts market housing in favour of e.g. affordable housing, affordable housing delivery may reduce.

Core Strategy policy should facilitate development in rural communities.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18671

Received: 02/02/2007

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd.

Agent: RPS Planning

Representation Summary:

Affordable housing policy should allow for consideration of site specific circumstances, including viability. Any specific requirements should be indicative, including for specific sites, and open to negotiation in accord with Circular 6/98. PPG3 states that planning authorities should work with developers to achieve realistic assumptions on public subsidy levels for affordable housing having regard to site costs and the amount of affordable housing that can be provided viably (also draft PPS3).

Any policy should state that cases will be considered having regard to merit and the Council’s objective to provide affordable housing based on an up to date Needs Assessment.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18672

Received: 02/02/2007

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd.

Agent: RPS Planning

Representation Summary:

Fairview New Homes object to the specific housing mix being set for development. There must be flexibility for developers to determine the residential composition of schemes based on market/commercial considerations and planning policies and environmental considerations.. It is unreasonable imposition because it erodes the ability of the private sector;
· to respond to market demands (Barker Report);
· to assess/respond to market demand;
· to assess scheme viability and establish a viable housing mix.
· If housing sizes/types are specified in LDDs, there is limited scope to respond to market changes.

Such controls could constrain housing supply.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18678

Received: 02/02/2007

Respondent: Rastrum Ltd.

Agent: DMH Stallard

Representation Summary:

By making generous policy provision for employment generating development.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18686

Received: 02/02/2007

Respondent: Mr. A. Miskin

Agent: DMH Stallard

Representation Summary:

Developing mixed neighbourhoods is key to creating a sustainable, thriving community. Although in smaller developments it may be appropriate to promote certain types of units (e.g. small houses} to meet local needs, in the context of larger developments it is important to ensure that there are a mix of unit sizes and tenures, to create an appropriate mix.

Additionally the aim to locate these developments close to the necessary facilities is supported, particularly where they can be reached by public transport, or alternative methods than the private car .


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18720

Received: 08/02/2007

Respondent: English Village Projects

Agent: Evison & Company

Representation Summary:

It is agreed that making housing provision for young people, families and the elderly is important, as well as making available the everyday services which such people desire.

Mechanisms need to be devised to subsidise such services (possibly by making their provision part of an arrangement involving subsidising housing) so that services which have been withdrawn will be restored and maintained.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18729

Received: 08/02/2007

Respondent: Mr Basil Streat

Representation Summary:

Is it not possible to build Council houses again?


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18744

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: Bexhill and District Gardens & Allotments Society

Representation Summary:

If the Council is serious about relieving the pressure of such things as aging, fear of crime, unemployment etc., then cramming communities closer together and reducing the surrounding natural environment can only make matters worse.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18753

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: PREM (Rooster) Limited

Agent: Montagu Evans

Representation Summary:

5.24 The recognition that 'intermediate housing' should have a role to play in the provision of affordable accommodation in the District is welcomed.

5.25 The suggestion that a greater proportion of family housing should be provided in support of balanced communities is supported.

In response to the Question 4 at the conclusion of this section, it is submitted that one of the best ways of encouraging local rural businesses and facilities is to ensure that they have a chance of being well used and therefore profitable by allowing for growth to be accommodated in the larger village settlements.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18762

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

SEERA will be providing strategic guidance on site allocations for gypsy and traveller sites. Whilst the final form of regional policy is to be finalised, the Council will need to acknowledge its duties under Circular 01/2006 â€~Planning for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites’.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18763

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Older people’s housing needs should be catered for, including housing accessible to key services, of varying tenures, with an emphasis on encouraging older people to live in their own homes. RDC should work with Health, Social Care and Social Housing partners to identify options to help shape the market (social rented and private sector) and ensure developments do not encourage the in-migration of older residents, yet meet identified local needs.
The need for affordable sheltered and extra care housing is supported and liaison with ESCC is recommended.

Lifetime Homes should be specified as a standard for all development.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18777

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: Home Builders Federation

Representation Summary:

The principle of â€~plan, monitor, manage’ should be central to the Core Strategy. It should plan for growth and specifically address the needs of the whole community (see PPS3 paragraphs 9 and 10). The Core Strategy should conform to the government’s ambitions to improve affordability and increase housing supply. This is particularly important in the South East.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18792

Received: 12/02/2007

Respondent: Government Office for the South East

Representation Summary:

We note the reference to the ongoing assessment into the unmet accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers in paragraph 5.12. It would be helpful to have some indication of when the assessment is likely to be completed and the report published. Do you expect this to be in advance of the Regulation 26 Preferred Options stage of consultation?


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18802

Received: 13/02/2007

Respondent: The Crown Estate

Agent: Cluttons LLP

Representation Summary:

A mixture of new houses should be provided in rural communities. Both affordable housing and smaller homes are needed to allow young families and older residents the opportunity to remain In their communities, in light of rising house prices; smaller market homes are also important as they provide the opportunity for older residents to move into smaller homes, freeing up larger houses for families. Affordable housing schemes should be provided with an element of open market housing to maintain a mixed community, where all needs are satisfied and where new affordable housing does not become stlgmatised.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18809

Received: 13/02/2007

Respondent: AmicusHorizon Ltd (Rother Homes)

Representation Summary:

A range of affordable accommodation is needed across the whole district, but particular emphasis needs to be placed on rural settlements and small villages where rented housing and affordable housing have virtually ceased to exist. The range of accommodation needs to be determined by the Housing Needs Survey. In rural areas the support of the Parish is crucial and work need to be undertaken to convince rural communities of the need for affordable housing, and to persuade landowners to make suitable land available or to donate suitable land. Local Lettings Policies can be very useful in persuading local communities.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18832

Received: 13/02/2007

Respondent: McCarthy and Stone UK Ltd.

Agent: Levvel

Representation Summary:

The provision of affordable housing should be included within the Core Strategy as a strategic objective where the community Strategy and evidence base has identified it as an issue. The data that informs the numbers of affordable homes required will change over the lifespan of the document therefore the Core Strategy should not draw detailed numerical conclusions in terms of percentage targets, although it should make clear what is to be delivered, who is to deliver it, by when, where and how. Also what transport/infrastructure would need to support it.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18839

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Environmental Group

Representation Summary:

Theme 1: the discrepancy between supply and demand for housing is noted. It is accepted that there is an urgent need to increase the stock of smaller and rented accommodation, as well as accommodation for low-income families and sheltered/extra care housing for the elderly. We want to see a lowering of the threshold (in unit and area terms) at which affordable housing is mandatory in any residential development. The document should be strongly promoting higher density development within existing development boundaries, rather than encroaching on greenfield sites


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18881

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Strutt & Parker

Representation Summary:

The problem of affordability in the rural sector should be a key focus of the core strategy. It is our experience that affordable housing delivery in rural areas is best achieved through the allocation of sites for general housing development, underpinned by clear policies identifying the amount and type of affordable housing sought. Rural Exceptions Policies can also help deliver affordable only schemes, and helps to ensure the broadest possible supply of potential sites. A Rural Exception Policy also mitigates against land being developed for more valuable land use proposals.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18892

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East

Agent: Bell Cornwell

Representation Summary:

We assume that the range and mix of housing will be the subject of a Housing Market Assessment in due course.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18906

Received: 16/02/2007

Respondent: Councillor David Vereker

Representation Summary:

What is needed is housing which young doctors, nurses, teachers, Council workers etc can afford; this should be the priority over affordable housing for immigrants, in-migration, unemployed single mothers etc. If we don't get the workers infrastructure right we will not be in a position to help the others. I view the 40% affordable rule a handicap to development. Not everyone wants to live in a mixed society and "exception" sites should be easier to establish.

I see no reason why the young should have any priority in housing; more renting should be encouraged.

Outside help for rural communities would ideally be better bus /train services, financial help for sports facilities and village halls, sheltered housing for the elderly and 30 mph speed


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18907

Received: 16/02/2007

Respondent: Councillor David Vereker

Representation Summary:

> Prosperity cannot be ensured.

> Barriers to business growth are mainly red tape, employment and health and safety laws.

> Commuters support the communities they live in, employ local people and generally put money into the local economy.

> Sustainable tourism can be promoted by tourist attractions open, clean and tidy and interesting

> A more user friendly planning system would encourage land based industries and others to maintain local distinctiveness.

> The County may be pushed for cash, but I believe they have badly let down our schools.