Question 3 re. the overall aims of the Core Strategy

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Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18507

Received: 30/11/2006



Representation Summary:

The present local plan aims and the refinements proposed are all laudable but rather vague.

The core strategy might wish to identify indicators (outputs) that could be used to enable progress to be measured.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18519

Received: 06/12/2006

Respondent: Aroncorp Ltd

Agent: Broadlands

Representation Summary:

The aims should emphasise a commitment to ensure that everyone has the opportunity of living in a decent home, which they can afford, in a community where they want to live in accordance with PPS3.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18535

Received: 07/12/2006

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

The vital role of facilitating a return on investment should be recognised in the Core Strategy objectives. For a local business this could relate to improved transport links or to the availability of a larger workforce locally. For a developer, it will be related to a wide variety of factors that will influence finished development values.
There is also no reference to encouraging regeneration.
Aim 4 should be amended as follows:
"To secure a more prosperous and diverse economy and recognise the factors that engender economic investment and regeneration."


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18545

Received: 07/12/2006

Respondent: Hastings and Rother Primary Care Trust

Representation Summary:

Aims 2 and 3 in current local plan should respectively take account of accessibility and housing of high environmental standard.

(h) could be reworded to "providing a good standard and range of leisure and cultural opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles."

Additional aims:
"Ensuring that pedestrians have safe and direct pathways; that distances are minimised and barriers to walking and cycling removed; that there is opportunity to provide safe and reliable public transport close to homes."
"Making provision for a diversity of food outlets, for markets and for space for local production of food; protecting key markets and food outlets."
"Safeguarding the wellbeing of the elderly by supporting thier needs and those of their carers."


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18551

Received: 08/12/2006

Respondent: High Weald AONB Unit

Representation Summary:

The Strategy should define what is meant by sustainability in local terms. Is it just related to transport and travel to work or does it include concepts of environmental sustainability ie that there are other aspects to sustainable living that are not based solely on proximity to services


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18562

Received: 29/01/2007

Respondent: Learning and Skills Council Sussex

Representation Summary:

LSC will broadly support the aims of the Local Plan and the refinements set out on pages 8 and 9 of the Issues and Options document, in particular those which address skills and economic development. LSC’s aims include improvement in basic skills and Level 2 achievements. We see learning and skills playing a prominent role in support of economic development and, specifically for employers, the Train to Gain service was launched earlier this year. LSC will continue to be involved in the 14 to 19 agenda and policies and in the regeneration of Hastings and Bexhill through existing mechanisms.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18574

Received: 29/01/2007

Respondent: Crowhurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

(a) Current Local Plan aims supported but affordable housing needs to be examined in detail so that this does not mean a lowering of the aim to have "quality housing".

(b) Refinements agreed

(c) Promote faster road and rail links between this area and London. This will be the biggest single way to bring about economic regeneration of the area.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18596

Received: 30/01/2007

Respondent: Etchingham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The aim should therefore be to maximise outcome from existing resources by greater efficiency in their use. Infrastructure is not sufficient for the current demands on it.
A prime example is that of road building -a road is built to relieve a problem but in a short time it invites further use of the road and thus promotes a greater number of cars.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18610

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Ewhurst Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The aims identified at 4.8 are all laudable but Aim 5 should be prioritised as it will help to achieve Aim 4 (more prosperous and diverse economy). However, it is recognised that the Aims 2, 4 and 5 are interdependent.

4.13-4.14 Would like to see (f) (supporting young people and economically active lifestyles) and (g) (increasing skill levels and helping local businesses to grow), in particular; taken forward.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18627

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Hastings Borough Council

Representation Summary:

The aims make no reference to the cross-boundary issues affecting Hastings and Bexhill or to the need for a joined-up approach to the preparation of the Hastings and Rother LDFs. We strongly urge that the Strategy is enhanced to include a further aim which recognises the importance of a joined-up approach in line with the vision and objective in the Hastings Core Strategy (see â€~Shaping Hastings’ Vision 1 and Objective 3).

It would be very helpful if future publications of the Rother LDF made reference to relevant related work being undertaken by HBC.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18633

Received: 31/01/2007

Respondent: Rye Conservation Society

Representation Summary:

In respect of Aim 1 of the current Local Plan, the care of the countryside is not the same thing as the enhancement of the environment. More emphasis should be placed on policies designed to increase respect for and enjoyment of the countryside, free from visual clutter of all kinds.

Also, the strengths of cultural heritage must find their full place in the LDF Vision for 2026. Aim 1 gives totally inadequate expression to this objective.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18652

Received: 01/02/2007

Respondent: Croudace Strategic Ltd

Agent: Charles Planning Associates Limited

Representation Summary:

It is considered that the Council's approach towards a more spatial set of overall aims accords with Government policy and that the proposed refinements set out in paragraph 4.13 (a) -(h), are sufficiently comprehensive to respond to the themes and objectives of the Core Strategy and other Council documents, such as the Community Strategy. However, it is considered that an additional refinement could be added which reflects the need to ensure that everyone has access to a decent home within the District.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18677

Received: 02/02/2007

Respondent: Rastrum Ltd.

Agent: DMH Stallard

Representation Summary:

The overall aim of the core strategy should be to ensure that Rother can grow in an organic and sustainable way. This means helping local firms to achieve their potential for growth and making use of the natural resources available without damaging the ecological integrity of the area.

A further aim should be to encourage development which can contribute to improvements in sustainability.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18708

Received: 05/02/2007

Respondent: Rye Conservation Society

Representation Summary:

The exclusion of Hastings and St Leonards makes it difficult to plan a spatial framework to 2026. It excludes an urban area in the middle of the region on the basis of political boundaries.

The Vision and Objectives should encompass the South East Plan’s Sussex Coast sub-region. It would be more logical to include the Hastings LDF within this Document, particularly when considering the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road and regional transport issues. Continuing work with the Hastings and Bexhill Taskforce and the Hastings and Bexhill Seafront strategy demonstrates the need to integrate Rother’s Core Strategy with Hastings’.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18719

Received: 08/02/2007

Respondent: English Village Projects

Agent: Evison & Company

Representation Summary:

In relation to Aim 3, it is critical that the concept of sustainability is correctly understood and applied rather than being skewed in favour of those sustainability concerns arising from traffic generation.

In relation to Aim 1, it is critical that:

(i) More than lip service is paid to securing new development of the desired local character.
(ii) It is made clear that enhancing the environment includes being vigilant

(a) To redress past mistakes which have harmed the environment and quality and character of settlements
(b) To identify means of securing such redress not limited to the use of public powers and funds.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18761

Received: 09/02/2007

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Local Plan Aim 2 is supported, but emphasis should be placed upon the need for partnership working between all relevant parties to ensure that adequate infrastructure and services exist to support communities and facilitate new development.

An additional aim is recommended: "supporting enhanced education provision to raise aspirations and attainment levels to create a skilled workforce to deliver the social and economic aims".


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18797

Received: 12/02/2007

Respondent: Sainsburys Supermarkets

Agent: White Young Green

Representation Summary:

Support the general aims and objectives of the Strategy.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18808

Received: 13/02/2007

Respondent: AmicusHorizon Ltd (Rother Homes)

Representation Summary:

It is considered that' greater focus to sustaining strong, safe and supportive communities' and 'promoting more leisure and cultural opportunities as a basis for healthy community life' might be considered as aims within the Local Plan


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18833

Received: 13/02/2007

Respondent: Mr Christopher Strangeways

Representation Summary:

Rother will face increased environmental constraints over the plan period and therefore the strategy should contain the vision that the Core Strategy will address this problem, and that development will need regard to the highest environmental standards.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18838

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Environmental Group

Representation Summary:

Although the concept of 'sustainable development' is explained, inadequate emphasis is given to substantiating how this will be achieved and in this sense, the word 'sustainable' is used too lightly and loosely within the document. At the present time, virtually none of the existing development within the Rother area can be said to be sustainable, given its heavy dependence on fossil fuels - which are inherently unsustainable- for heating, lighting, power, transport, manufacturing, pumping and cleaning water and other functions. This should be clearly stated.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18844

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: Ms. Pat Field

Representation Summary:

Agree with the comments made by Dominic Manning (Rother Environmental) in response to Question 3.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18847

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: Land Securities plc

Agent: CGMS Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support Aim 2 of the Rother Local Plan to ensure that there is adequate infrastructure and services to support thriving communities and facilitate new development. We emphasise the need for further retail investment in Bexhill and the Borough.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18852

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: The National Trust

Representation Summary:

We support the aims of the existing Rother District Plan which remain appropriate for inclusion in the new Core Strategy. However aim no 1 could be strengthened by reference to the conservation and enhancement of the environment in urban and rural areas and in particular the landscape, biodiversity and heritage of the District. The National Trust supports the regeneration of urban areas, a focus on urban development and a priority for brownfield development to accommodate future needs.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18865

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: BALI

Representation Summary:

Aims in the Rother District Local Plan reasonable, simply stated and quite acceptable objectives. However any 'vision' for Rother should be bolder and more imaginative.

The 'refinements' in 4.13 are too waffly and vague and heavy with jargon.
There needs to be added a clear environmental aim and vision incorporating water, waste and energy. This is not done by 4.2. and Aim 1. How about a vision of putting Rother in the top ten areas in England (or SE England) or at least in the upper quartile -for best environment practice, renewable energy and recycling waste.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18896

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Pestalozzi International Village

Representation Summary:

I feel that issues surrounding genuine long term sustainability in Rother are not at the forefront of the aims of the Core Strategy for Rother .

The discussion around environmental issues seems very generalised and does not target specific areas in any detail (i.e waste, water, energy, transport).

I feel we need to be setting precise targets in terms of percentages of reduction in waste and energy, methods and audits to carry this out and monitor it and dates when we want to achieve these reductions.

At the centre of the Core Strategy is the construction of the Bexhill Link Road, this is in direct opposition to the concept of sustainable development and other options must be discussed if the makers of this strategy want to receive genuine recognition for their commitment to sustainable development.

Rother District has the opportunity to be a flagship example of sustainable development that could influence and encourage other districts to include sustainability issues in their core strategies.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18905

Received: 16/02/2007

Respondent: Councillor David Vereker

Representation Summary:

The Local Plan has so many Policies that for every planning argument one way there is a perfectly reasonable argument to do the opposite; when push comes to shove, however, many new developments do not contribute to local character or cultural identity or amenities -
somewhere else in the Plan supermarket chains are permitted to invade local communities. Affordability and quality of housing is dependant on the co-operation of the building industry; the Plan's aims here were not helped by Council's insistence on the high 40% factor.

There is nothing wrong in setting out aims as long as it is appreciated that for the foreseeable
future they cannot all be achieved because of financial and other restraints.

Surely it would be better to concentrate on areas of deprivation, support to young people and increasing skill levels?


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18925

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Current Local Plan aims broad brush. Current vision statement does not acknowledge changing role of older people in society, and economically active lifestyle for older people that is expected over the next 20 years. Needs to be reference to strengths of Rother now and in 20 years time.
Needs to more emphasis on rural/coastal location, opportunities to build economy on natural environment, green technologies, transport education and skills training as key drivers of economic change and an ambition to build infrastructure that is 21st century.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18970

Received: 22/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Valley Railway

Representation Summary:

The RVR linking Robertsbridge main line station with the KESR at Bodiam will contribute to this objective. People will be able to travel to Robertsbridge , Bodiam and Tenterden by train from anywhere on the UK rail network. This will result in a substantial decrease in the proportion of people visiting the Rother valley and the other attractions, including the National Trust at Bodiam, by car.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18974

Received: 23/02/2007

Respondent: Sport England, South East Region

Representation Summary:

Participation in sport and active recreation provides fun, exercise and a sense of achievement for all. It underpins people’s quality of life and is fundamental to the delivery of broader Government objectives.

The planning system and in particular LDFs have a vital role to play in helping to meet Government targets on physical activity.

The South East Plan for Sport provides a framework for increasing participation levels in sport and active recreation. Government targets will only be realised if all involved in providing for sport and active recreation, including the planning system, embrace them.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18991

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

To achieve a sustainable future for Rother District. We particularly support Aim 1 to ensure that the environment is conserved and enhanced.